Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I found my long lost friend in Facebook

When I first heard about Facebook in late 2006, I took it lightly and didn’t give much interest. In 2007 summer, a friend of mine went for a trip to the United States. He kept posting updates of his journey in Facebook every other day. This lured me to open an account in this social networking site.

And, I also did same during my trip to France, Italy, Norway and Sweden in late 2007. I got a lot of responses from my friends and families back home. Since then I have been logging into my Facebook account every other day and now I’m connected with over 500 friends from all over the world.

My good experience with social network sites like Facebook has been very good in maintaining and expanding network of friends.

Moreover, I found a long-lost school classmate last year through Facebook. I hadn’t heard from him for more than 10 years. We are really happy to be reunited after a decade, thanks to Facebook. Many things have happened and many things have changed in our lives. He now works in a resort in Maldives and I’m here in Singapore.

My last week’s experience is also worth to share here. I was hospitalised for a spinal infection. I posted a short message on my Facebook wall saying I was warded at Singapore General Hospital. I got at least 50 ‘get well soon’ messages after five minutes of posting. Wow, so amazing that so many people are connected through Facebook.

That’s why social networking sites like Facebook is so popular today.Facebooktoday has more than 400 million active users and about 100 million users access the site on their mobile phones.

Today, it is not unusual if you often hear your siblings or your friends talking about the people they have met and made friends with through the Internet as social networking is one of the phenomena that have taken the world of Internet by storm. Almost every Web surfer has an account in at least one of the social networking sites, for these sites are the more enjoyable places to hang around in.

The idea of socializing with millions of people of different backgrounds excites the Web surfers. This is one thing that you can hardly do outside the virtual world.


Facebook Statistic, 2010, viewed 16 February 2010, http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics.

Photo source: http://www.montana.edu/freshmen/facebook_pic.jpg.

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